Categories: EntertainmentFoodlife

The Way Woman Reacted After Discovering Mayonnaise Isn’t Vegan In Subway Sandwich Is Going Viral

The vegan movement has steadily been gaining traction every year.


Apart from the stated health benefits of a plant-based diet, there is also an environmental advocacy attached to it. The whole meat industry has a very major carbon footprint and the amount of food and energy needed to feed all these farm animals takes a huge toll on the environment.

Animal lovers also insist that veganism is a more compassionate way of eating. In a sense, they’re right because if one sees how commercial livestock are raised and slaughtered, it would make you think twice about eating a hotdog or a whole chicken again.


Nevertheless, whatever diet belief you carry, there is always the bandwagon effect of people joining in because it makes them look cool and more evolved.point 129 | The problem with riding the bandwagon, however, is that one may just go through the motions without deeply understanding what their lifestyle really entails.point 263 |


This can lead to some embarrassing moments when a situation catches you out on your lack of knowledge.point 85 | At worst, it could upend your entire understanding of your belief system.point 147 | 1

The following story from someone who works at a Subway outlet illustrates that point. Basically, a vegan had ordered a vegetarian sandwich but requested that mayonnaise is put on it. The employee had to break it to the female customer that mayonnaise wasn’t vegan at all and she looked crushed!

Mike Mozart

It was a story shared on Reddit by user Gresh66. Check out the rest of the story below.

A Subway employee decided to share this story about a vegan customer who had no idea at all that mayonnaise wasn’t vegan.




Comments started pouring in and they ranged from being openly amused to mildly exasperated.









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