Categories: Animals/Petslife

He Suddenly Found Himself Inside A Whale’s Mouth Then Was Spit Out

A South African diver had the closest encounter of his or anyone’s life with a whale and the man was fortunate enough to survive to tell his story.



It was supposed to be a special day for the diving instructor Rainer Schimpf who is 51-years old and had been working as an instructor for more than 15 years. The day was supposed to be special as he and his team were ready to record a sardine run.


Schimpf’s and his group went into the sea together and decided to divide into two groups. They then traveled about 25 miles offshore to film the sardine run event.

The sea that should have been normal did not act really normal that day. Schimpf was in the ocean when the water suddenly churned and he realized something was going abnormal.


Explaining what happened, the man said, “I was trying to get a shot of a shark going through the bait ball and then the next moment it got dark and I felt some pressure. I instantly knew a whale had grabbed me.


I could feel the pressure on my hip, there is no time for fear in a situation like that – you have to use your instinct and if you don’t then there is no chance of you seeing the next moment alive.” Heinz Toperczer is a photographer who was on the team and he recorded the entire incident.


He explained “As Rainer moved towards the bait ball, suddenly the water churned widely up, and I knew for sure that something was about to happen so I held the focus of my camera on him firmly.


Suddenly, dolphins shot out of the water, a white spray came out and then a whale appeared and grabbed him!”


Schimpf fought with the situation on his natural instinct because he said that there is no possible way he or anyone else could have imagined to get into a situation like this and that is why he had no other option then following his instinct.

Recommended Video – “Dozens of People Gathered to Help a Beached Whale Get Back Into the Ocean. They Way Whale Thanked Is Taking Internet By Storm”


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