Categories: FoodHealthlife

Top 10 Foods You Should Eat If You Are Trying To Lose Your Weight

Eating natural and unprocessed foods leads you to a healthy body and an even healthier mind.


The rule is simple, take a balanced diet comprising of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and healthy fats.

Natural foods not only make you healthier, they also help you in losing your weight. Increasing the legume intake, switching up your breakfast to more wholesome fiber and carbs, consuming more fruits like blueberries, and getting rid of unhealthy sugar can significantly reduce your weight.


But if you think this small diet is too boring, below are 10 of the best foods that can help you lose weight.

1. Sauerkraut: Like the other fermented vegetables, pickled cabbage, contains a huge amount of prebiotics and probiotics. These help in keeping your gut healthy. And, according to Livestrong, a healthy gut protects you against chronic stomach inflammation and insulin resistance, which are directly connected to obesity.


2. Beans and legumes: Beans and legumes help you lose weight in various ways. According to the Huffington Post, they can boost calorie and fat burning and curb your cravings for unhealthy snacks and processed foods.


3. Miso: Miso is an ancient Japanese soup which is formed by mixing broth and dissolved fermented bean paste with scallion, tofu, and seaweed or kelp. According to Livestrong, this soup contains protective fatty acids and B12 complex. But the best thing is that there are only 2 grams of protein and 25 grams of calories per Miso bowl.


4. Blueberries: In addition to being delicious and a sweet treat, blueberries have a lot of health benefits. According to Medical News Today, they are antioxidant containing vitamin C and E. 


5. Almonds: Nuts like almonds are considered to add weight since they contain fatty acids in them. But studies have proved that almonds are one of the best weight loss stimulants out there since they contain good fats which help with digestion and bowel movements.


6. Barley: According to Medical News Today, barley has the power to keep you full for longer, reducing your intake of food by quite a bit. This fiber-rich grain is an integral part of any healthy weight loss diet.


7. Avocados: Avocado has tons of health benefits and it also helps you reduce your weight. Avocado is not only a hunger killer but also a belly fat destroyer. Moreover, the healthy fats in it also keep you satisfied for longer.


8. Oatmeal: Oatmeal provides enough fiber to keep you full and satisfied for an entire morning that’s why people who eat a regular oatmeal breakfast instead of cold cereal have healthier levels of cholesterol.


9. Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics that improve the processes going on in your stomach. A healthy stomach protects you against leptin resistance, which is one of the hormonal causes leading to obesity. But make sure to consume full-fat, natural yogurt and not the flavored or low-fat one. The latter type of yogurt, being full of sugar, is associated with heart diseases and diabetes.


10. Green tea: Green tea is not less than a magical beverage. According to Healthline, the antioxidants present in green tea can mobilize fat from your cells, which can help you lose weight.


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