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University Professor Becomes Viral Sensation For Holding A Student’s Baby The Whole Time While Teaching Class

Nick Vaughn

It’s often said that the value of a teacher is not only in the knowledge that he/she passes on but his/her ability to act as a good role model to the students.


In fact, one could argue that this status of being a good role model is decidedly more important because it shapes one’s moral character, an endeavor that is more difficult if also nobler.

And for a math professor at Morehouse College named Nathan Alexander, he embodies all the good qualities of being a teacher.

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TheOriginal / Twitter

Recently, Alexander became a viral sensation after photos appeared showing him teaching his class while simultaneously babysitting a student’s baby daughter.point 258 |


Alexander can be seen in the photos with the baby resting contentedly in her carrier while strapped to the teacher’s chest.point 105 | Now, how many teachers do you know who would go out of their way like that for a student?point 176 | 1

According to the person who uploaded the photos, Alexander stepped in to help after he found out that the baby’s father, who was his student, couldn’t find a babysitter.


The caption read: “Student came to class today with his child due to no babysitter or anybody to watch her while he was in class. My professor NATHAN ALEXANDER said ‘I’ll hold her so you can take good notes.’”

This act of kindness was apparently par for the course for Alexander because his other students were quick to comment and heap praises on him, proving that this was not a one-off act of empathy.

Nick Vaughn / Facebook

One student wrote: “@professornaite is one of my favorite professors!! Genuinely cares for the students and sacrifices his personal time always to help in any way possible. Nothing but respect.”


While another added: “MY FAVORITE TEACHER! He saved my grade in college algebra during my first semester at Morehouse. I was in another section with arguably the WORST teacher in the school, ready to drop out, but he saw I was on the edge and personally tutored me. Went from a D to an A by semester’s end.”


Even the baby likely sensed Alexander’s positive energy because she was an absolute angel the whole time and didn’t give any trouble at all.

And that’s not all. The one who uploaded the photos also added that Alexander stayed behind after class to assist those students who had questions, all the time still holding the baby.




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