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‘Titanic’ Child Actor Reveals He Is Still Getting ROYALTIES For His Part In The Movie

A Titanic child actor has opened up about his role in the iconic movie as he revealed he’s still getting royalties more than two decades later.


Reece Thompson from Utah is a digital marketing director who portrayed a third-class Titanic passenger in the 1998 movie.

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Reece’s scene shows the young boy and his on-screen sister and mother waiting to die in their cabin after the trio failed to get a spot in one of the lifeboats.


“What are we doing, Mommy?” Reece’s character asks his mother in the scene.

©20th Century Fox – Paramount Pictures

“We’re just waiting, dear,” the woman responds. “When they finish putting first-class people in the boats, they’ll be starting with us, and we’ll want to be ready, right?”


25 years later, Thompson revealed that he is still getting residual checks for his part in the classic film.

©20th Century Fox – Paramount Pictures

While he failed to reveal how much they amount to, we can assume that the amount isn’t staggering considering that Reece no longer bothers to cash the checks in.


“Yeah, I still do [receive royalty cheques], it’s true,” he told Network 10.

“But I haven’t updated my address in several years, honestly, since the last time I got interviewed for this. So, I haven’t seen them [the cheques] in a few years. I’m just assuming that they are still coming.”

©20th Century Fox – Paramount Pictures

In his interview with the Australian network, Thompson also admitted that he still gets comments about his role in Titanic up to this day.


“It’s interesting, I’d say my family and I mostly just think that it’s interesting that people are still finding it interesting. My wife and I mostly just get a kick out of comments,” he added.

©20th Century Fox – Paramount Pictures

“They are mostly just interesting to read, but – yeah – it feels like a dream it was so long ago. Any number of different things [is being said], honestly, some of the comments I just can’t believe that it’s happening 25 years later.


“Now people are beginning to associate my face with it, whereas before it was a random fact about me, it’s kind of weird.”

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