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How Jennifer Garner Is DESPERATELY Trying To Help Ex-Husband Ben Affleck

New reports are speaking about the mediator between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s marriage.


And it’s none other than Ben’s former wife and the mother of his kids, Jennifer Garner.

Source: X online

While many assumed wrong when they saw her arriving at Affleck’s rental home recently, it is now being revealed that Jen is trying her absolute best to try and have things sorted out between the pair.


For those who may not be aware, the couple is said to have a great relationship with Jennifer Garner and they’ve even gone on vacation together with all the kids.

Source: BackGrid

It’s like one big happy family and the last thing that Garner wants is a split that would really make things complicated, insiders confirmed.


The news comes as JLo’s marriage to Affleck hit a roadblock when the pair were not pictured together for seven weeks. She also went solo at her latest movie’s premiere.

Source: NBC

The duo have given up their dream home but Garner is still determined to push through the battle and unite the pair despite the many differences they’re having right now.


Affleck rekindled his romance with the singer in 2021 but now is pictured without any wedding band. More reports have indicated how Lopez is really keen on making amendments to Affleck and has reached out to Garner in this regard.