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Incredible Moment As US Swimmer’s Coach Leaps Into Pool To Save Her Life After She FAINTS In The Water At World Championships

American swimmer Anita Alvarez is extremely grateful to her swimming coach today who reportedly saved her life.


According to local media reports, the swimmer fainted and fell to the bottom of the pool’s tank. But thankfully, her eagle-eyed coach knew exactly what to do. She didn’t waste a second thinking about what was next on the cards. She immediately jumped in and saved her life at the international event that was recently held in Budapest.

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Anxious members in the audience looked at the pool, waiting for the coach to make the miraculous rescue and to many people’s surprise, she came out strong in the end and managed to rescue the athlete before disaster struck.


The stunning scenes went viral on social media with many praising the coach for her heroic efforts on Wednesday.

Source: hng news

The synchronized swimmer was taking part in the women’s solo free event. But then all of a sudden, she fell unconscious and immediately started to sink to the bottom of the pool.


As you can probably expect, coach Andrea Fuentes is being hailed for all the right reasons and that includes the way she gracefully dragged the athlete in a safe and secure manner, making sure she was alright, each moment along the way.

Source: Instagram

Many felt the scenes were reminiscent of what we see in the movies. And that was related to how well the rescue was performed.


But what really shocked so many is that despite international lifeguards being present at the scene, none of them were able to react fast enough and looked dumb-founded like statues.

Source: Getty Images

Soon, one was able to gauge the seriousness of the situation and that’s when he jumped in to assist the coach and bring the victim back to safety.


The swimmer is doing well now and was treated with a first aid box at the event. She gained consciousness moments later, confirmed reports.