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Angelina Jolie Suffers Crushing Blow In Battle With Brad Pitt As Judge Issues Order

Actress Angelina Jolie has just suffered a serious blow in her latest legal battle with her former husband Brad Pitt.


This is in regard to the famous and fancy French winery that has been the subject of discussion for quite some time now.

Source: Page Six

As per the latest reports from the LA Superior Court, the judge made a ruling about how the Maleficent star is required to produce a list of all the NDA agreements that she signed with external third-party sources.

Source: Page Six

These were dubbed by the court as ‘all non-privileged’ documents that happen to be in her possession at the moment. So whatever she has signed, she must now turn it in, the latest ruling went on to add.


The famous couple has been locked into a very public and ugly battle regarding the divorce. This entails ownership of the massive $500 million winder that’s called Chateau Miraval.


Source: Page Six

At first, most fans assumed that Jolie had the upper hand in this case but as days go by, it appears that the crushing blow u-turn is going to have some serious adverse effects on the star and the final verdict of this case. What do you think?