Categories: Healthlife

A Mother Became Furious Because Her Unvaccinated Daughter Was Not Invited To A Party

Vaccines have been saving millions of lives.


Unfortunately, many people still refuse to accept the knowledge and they choose to put their children’s and others’ lives at risks.

On a thread where doctors were asked to share their experiences with anti-vaxxers, one mom decided to tell an infuriating story when she organized a party for her child. She decided not to send an invitation to an unvaccinated girl because she could compromise the health of another child who recently had cancer.


The mother, dankmoms, wrote on Reddit:

“After I sent out invites to my kids birthday party, I found out one of her friends from dance was unvaccinated. My daughters best friend is in remission from leukemia and is immunocompromised. An unvaxxed kid could kill her.


“I uninvited the dance kid and very nicely explained the situation. Her mother loses her s**t and tries to get us kicked out of the dance school they attend.


“The dance school owner is an older lady and had no idea there were idiots these days that didn’t vax so she implemented a new rule that students had to be up to date and the unvaxxed kid had to find a new dance school.

“I felt bad for the kid but her mother is a sociopath. Herd immunity saves lives when it comes to kids fighting cancer.”


Many Reddit users were horrified by the anti-vaxx mom.

EnriqueWR wrote: “F**king mentality that children are possession and not individual human beings. How come we compromise the life of a member of our society just so their nutjob parents have their right to bear an idiotic and dangerous belief?”


Sweetprince686 said: “This is the thing about antivaxers that really drives me nuts, I feel terrible for their kids getting put at risk, but it’s even worse than that, they are putting at risk anyone who is immune compromised! Elderly, sick, pregnant people, newborn babies… Its selfish and irresponsible.”


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