Categories: life

Anti-Vaxx Mom Asks Parents For Advice On Building ‘Outside Bedroom’ For Her Toddler

An anti-vaxx mum has been slammed on social media after asking fellow parents for advice on building an ‘outside bedroom’ for her 2-year-old toddler who loves to play outside.


On Facebook, the mother explained how her toddler “never wants to make it in by curfew” which is why she and her husband are determined to move his bedroom out of the house.


After sharing her plea for advice online, the mum was confronted by fellow parents in a series of hilarious responses.

“My daughter, Epsom Salt (not vaccinated), wants to make her home among the wild squirrels in our backyard and I’m looking for recommendations of feeders large enough to accommodate a 1-year-old girl. Her favorite color is rabies red. Please don’t turn this post into a debate, REBECCA,” one mother wrote.


“Wow, she is totally impeding his independence and growth by giving him a curfew, he’s 2 years old already for godssake! Let the boy live. My son is admittedly quite advanced but he was staying out for days at 12 months. He’s now 3 and I haven’t seen him since Christmas. So sad that people don’t know how to foster a child’s autonomy,” another one joked.



“My son Eucalyptus (the first word was ‘read the inserts’) hasn’t climbed down from his perch in the oak tree since last April. I’m fine with this obviously, REBECCA. Just wanting some recommendations on what I can craft into a landing mat for when he decides to come down. Of course, we’re already collecting our hair and softer compostable food items. Anything else you can think of? Nothing TOO soft, we don’t want to coddle him,” one person commented.


What are your thoughts on this mother’s decision to create an outside bedroom for her 2-year-old? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your friends and family on Facebook!



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