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Meghan Markle’s Estranged Father Denies Daughter’s Claims And Brands Prince Harry ‘Snotty’

Meghan Markle’s estranged father has appeared on Good Morning Britain and denied his daughter’s claims before accusing Prince Harry of failing to give her proper support when she was suicidal.


Thomas Markle said he has apologized a hundred times for making a deal with a paparazzi photographer before the 2018 Royal Wedding and urged the Sussexes to see him with Archie now that he family lives 70 miles from his home in Mexico.

“We all make mistakes but I’ve never played naked pool or dressed like Hitler like Harry did,” he said.

Good Morning Britain / ITV

Mr. Markle also said that Meghan’s admission that she was suicidal during her stay in the UK meant his son-in-law did not give her proper support.


“It really did upset me, like I said, it would have been easy for her to reach out to me, any of the rest of her family, who she claims she doesn’t know. But the other thing is that I would think that she could turn to her husband,” Mr. Markle said, adding her husband had “obviously not supported her that well.”


He also slammed Meghan’s decision to refuse to speak to him, saying: “The biggest problem here is she’s pretty much ghosted all of her family.”

Enterprise News and Pictures

Meghan’s father also denied Britain – or the Royal Family – is racist. He said that if it is true that a member of the Royal Family asked about how ‘dark’ Archie’s skin would be, it was just a ‘dumb question’, before he called the couple’s claims ‘bulls***.’


The 76-year-old also said he was ‘upset’ when he saw Meghan tell Oprah that living in the Palace was so stressful that she became ‘suicidal.’

Good Morning Britain / ITV

In the Oprah interview, Meghan said she couldn’t fathom hurting her son the way her own father ‘betrayed’ her.


“I look at Archie, I think about this child, and I genuinely can’t imagine doing anything to intentionally cause pain to my child.”

Mr. Markle said that while he did let Meghan down, she had “let me down too” by completely cutting him off.


“The bottom line is she didn’t lose me, she made a statement saying she lost me, she didn’t lose me, I would’ve always been there for her, I’m there for her now if she wants me,” he said.

Misan Harriman / The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Mr. Markle added: “We all make mistakes – but I’ve never played naked pool or dressed like Hitler like Harry did.”


He also described his last phone call with his son-in-law after heart surgery three years ago and said: “Harry had said to me if you had listened to me, this wouldn’t have happened to you.

“Me, laying in a hospital bed after a having procedure, I had a stent put here and put here (points at his heart) and that was kind of snotty so I hung up on him.”

Tim Rooke / REX

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