Categories: +AnimaisAnimals/Petslife

Man Preparing to Scatter Grandma’s Ashes Suddenly Jumps into the Choppy Water to Save a Drowning Dog’s Life

A young man walking down Brighton Pier in Melbourne on a windy day along with his family preparing to scatter his grandma’s ashes in the Port Phillip Bay ended up being a hero.


Facebook/Raden Soemawinata

Sue Drummond was taking a walk with her sweet and adorable Maltese-shitzu, Bibi. The weather was raunchy, and the wind was so powerful that it lifted Bibi up in the air and flung him into the sea.


Most dogs can swim, but Bibi wasn’t one of them. Sue panicked as her dog was going under in the rough and shuddering water. She feared that her dog would drown and literally, Bibi was drowning.

Facebook/Raden Soemawinata

Sue wasn’t sure that if she would jump, will she be able to make it safely with her dog. She was in distraught shouting for help.

Facebook/Raden Soemawinata

The hopeless dog, however, found a hero in Raden Soemawinata. The man dressed in a suit stripped down to underpants with his white shirt still on and slipped into the icy-cold water.


Raden said that he had to jump, it was a matter of another life, someone had to go in, the dog was trembling with fear, it was trying to swim but wasn’t able to make any ground.

Facebook/Raden Soemawinata

Raden handed over his blazer and pants to his sister and without hesitating; he jumped into the choppy water. He saved Bibi and was later honored with a Compassionate Citizen Award by Animals Australia for doing such a daring and brave act.


Well, he truly is a shining example of compassion and selflessness.

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