Categories: Animals/Petslife

Photographer Captured The Real Grief Of Pet Owners After Losing Their Pet

If you own a pet, then these photos would split you in tears.


The photographs captured are so intense and heart wrenching that it contains the power to make you believe in the bond that both humans and animals can create by living under the same roof.

Ross Taylor

Ross Taylor, the man who took the devastating photographs, titled the group of photos as the Last Moments.


He got driven to do so when he noticed the mental condition of his friend taking a huge downfall due to the unfortunate decision she had to take because of her pet’s health concerns.

Ross Taylor

The photos have been captured since the beginning of the year 2017. The pet’s guardians reside in Tampa Bay, Florida.

Ross Taylor

The euthanasia service was offered by the veterinarians who belong to the Love of Lap movement. They provide the service to the pet owners for a peaceful execution of a pet’s death at the owner’s residence.

Ross Taylor

Ross was deeply affected by the difficult journey a  person had to take; after witnessing such moments of pain, he finds himself to be deeply overwhelmed.

Ross Taylor

Ross’ series depicts the harsh agony caused even when it’s the demise of a pet. The possibility of emotional connections with an animal is accurately personified in the photos captured.

Ross Taylor

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