Categories: DIYDIYlife

Makeup Artist Huda Kattan Shares Tricks To Make Eyes Look Bigger With Makeup

Watch the video to know all the tricks to make your eyes look bigger:


Video Credit: Youtube/Huda Beauty

Makeup artist Huda Kattan shared a video to her YouTube channel that will teach you how to make your eyes look bigger without using an Instagram filter.

The 35-year-old makeup artist, from Oklahoma, shared some amazing beauty tricks that sure going to help us a lot.


The description of the video reads: ‘We all want to achieve that doe-eyed, Disney princess, Bambi look – without the Instagram filter. This is possible with makeup!’


Huda, who is the founder of beauty line Huda Beauty, said people constantly ask her how to make eyes look bigger.


‘Let me tell you, there are a lot of tricks,’ she said. Here are some of the tricks:

1 Use The Right Concealer

‘The wrong concealer for your eyes can make your eyes look tiny,’ she said.

‘I’ve had this done to me so many times by so many makeup artists back in the day, and it’s not attractive.’


‘It’s almost scary when you look up at yourself for the first time you’re like, “Woah, what happened?”‘


2 Contour The Eye Socket


This is very important to make your eyes look bigger. She said:

‘A lot of people think it’s just you put white eyeliner on your eye, and book your eyes look bigger,’

‘That’s actually not what it’s about. It’s really about utilizing the space properly.’


3 Create A Fake Lash Line Using A Liner

‘There is a misconception with liner that applying too much can make your eyes look small. So you really want to make sure that you apply liner in a shape.’


Creating a fake lash line using a liner makes your eyes appear bigger.

4 Apply mascara and false eyelashes

‘A lot of people are afraid of big lashes, they think they’re too heavy. But if you put them directly on your eyes – yes – they can absolutely be too heavy.’


‘I’m going to put them a big higher than where my lash line is, I’m actually going to apply it on the liner.’


5 Apply lenses


Huda says wear contact lenses of a light color to make your eyes look bigger. Huda compared the two eyes and said:

‘We made this whole space look big. We made this kind of faux lid and we highlighted in the right places.’

‘Whereas on this eye we did the opposite, we made a faux lid that looks smaller and looks a little bit tinier.’


‘There’s a reason why they make these doll’s [eyes] bigger, there’s a reason Disney characters now have really big eyes.

‘It can look really attractive.’




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