Categories: Familylife

Why Parents Should Give Their Child A Musical Instrument And Not A Tablet

Music therapy can speed up recovery and elevate the mood.


Studies prove it helps people recover from stroke and other conditions.

Musical training in children protects people from developing dementia and other brain problems in the future. Here are the reasons why you should give a musical instrument to your child.


#1 Increases IQ Level

The brain activity increases after musical training. This means only a few weeks of music lessons can increase one’s IQ and improve memory, helping children in their studies.


#2 Improves Reading Skills

Reading musical notes create new neural connections in the brain. This improves a child’s ability to process information, making it easier for them to absorb information from reading and other sources.


#3 Refines Brain Function

Musicians seldom have memory issues as playing an instrument is a real brain workout. It can also reduce the risk and slow down the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


#4 Strengthens Immune System

High stress levels can weaken the body’s immune system. Playing a musical instrument can lower stress levels and strengthen the body’s first line of defense.


#5 Strengthens The Respiratory System

Singing and playing a wind instrument requires deep breathing from the diaphragm. This strengthens the lungs and respiratory system.


#6 Enhances Coordination

When playing a musical instrument, the brain translates the notes into hand movements. The coordination of reading music and the process of its reproduction improves the brain’s reaction and cognitive function.


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