Categories: Animals/PetsFamilylife

Adorable Moment A 4-Year-Old Boy With Autism Received A Puppy

This is an adorable moment a 4-year-old boy with autism received a cute puppy from his parents to help him cope with social distancing rules.


Dad Carl Marrison from Northern Ireland shared the beautiful moment on Twitter. He explained that their Hayden, who has autism and is nonverbal, depends on routine to manage his health condition. However, the lockdown made it difficult for Hayden to do his daily activities.


Captured by Carl, the heartwarming video shows the young boy sitting in the family car. His mother then walks by the window holding a Golden Retriever and gave it to him. His face lights up with happiness as the adorable pup Marley was put on his lap.


When the parents noticed that their son was struggling with the sudden change in his daily routine, they decided to give him a new companion.


“He was used to going to school every day, going to both sets of grandparents on set days,” Carl shared. “He would go to the park or go swimming, so he got very frustrated being stuck in the house.


“He was having a lot of meltdowns. Since we have got the dog he has settled a lot better and has fewer meltdowns now.”


The father said that the meeting was so special as their son rarely showed emotion.


One Twitter user commented: “This is the most precious thing. This pup will bring this wee fella the happiest days/ weeks and years to come and also help him every step of the way. Best friends forever.”


Another wrote: “Oh my days, what a wee dote, look at his gorgeous face smiling away. This has made my week.”


A third added: “That’s brilliant you can see the happiness in his little face.”


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