Categories: Entertainmentlifenews

Actress Helen Mirren Professes Her ‘Lack Of Love’ Towards Netflix

If you love Hollywood movies, then you cannot be unaware of the acting talents of actress Helen Mirren.


No matter how demanding the role is, she never fails to deliver.

Her acting skills have only sharpened over the years. Her mere presence in any movie is a promise for the movie lovers. The down-to-earth actress says that it is her duty to entertain the people, and has a lot to learn.

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She was last seen in the CinemaCon event, where she had some harsh words to say about the streaming giant Netflix. There was a time when movie lovers flocked to the theatres to catch their favorite movie stars in action.


The movie theatre business was booming even though the dark shadow of piracy was looming large. But things took a completely different turn after the inception of the streaming technology. The greatest name in this sector is Netflix.

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People who love the idea of relaxing in a movie hall, digging their way in a giant tub of popcorn were against the idea of streaming movies online from the very onset.


But it seemed that the streaming and movie theatre industry was peacefully coexisting, without crossing paths. But all that changed when many movies, which did not opt for multiple screenings, and went straight for online streaming, attained due recognition in the Oscars. The amplified growth and popularity of Netflix is fast eating its way into the movie theatre business.


Many production house honchos, actors, actresses and directors have raised their voice against the streaming medium time and again.

But it seems that the people have got the taste of anytime streaming. As new movies are readily available for online streaming, lesser people are queuing up in front of the movie halls. Another name to join the Netflix hate club is Helen Mirren.

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When addressing the media for the promotion of a new feature film, she said that though she liked what Netflix offered, she was not totally in love with the system.


She would rather opt for the old world charm of going to the dark movie halls, and watch the characters on the big screen. Netflix is making the movie business like the television medium.

It is good to take inspiration from one art from and transfer it to another, but it does not justify that it will impair the growth of the main movie business.


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