Categories: Healthlife

22 Signs That Indicate When Someone Is In Depression

Depression is a silent killer and can even be fatal if it’s not treated properly.


More than 16 million Americans are affected by depression every year and the numbers are increasing day by day.

The problem is that depression is a serious disease but people don’t treat it like one! They are afraid or ashamed to ask for help, and just go on with their lives.


According to statistics, only 35.3% depressed Americans seek help. Some people don’t seek help because they don’t consider it a serious issue. Others think that asking for help means they are unable to deal with their own problems.


That’s why we must be able to spot whenever any one of our friends or family suffers from it. Below, we have put together some signs that can indicate when a person is in depression.

1. According to WebMD, depression is draining and people suffering from it often buy takeout because they don’t have the motivation and energy needed to cook.


2. According to the Huffington Post, depressed people mask the emotion of anger rather than sadness by pushing people away.


3. Depressed people end up taking up to multiple showers a day depending on how severe their depression is. They do it to relax and ease their mind with the sound of water.


4. According to WebMD, some people suffering from depression will clean anything and everything. They are addicted to cleaning, but it’s, in fact, a good distraction for them which will help them focus on something positive.


5. Music is a true indication of someone’s mood. According to the Huffington Post, depressed people usually listen to soft music which is often relatable to their situation.


6. Depressed people will walk around with headphones in their ears to avoid talking to people. They also try to portray that they are functioning when they really are not. According to WebMD, depressed people avoid human interaction as much as they can.


7. According to the Huffington Post, the most difficult thing for the people suffering from depression is their effort to hide it. They struggle every day to put on a smile on their faces when in reality they’re crying inside.


8. According to Healthline, depressed people are usually lazy. They avoid chores and also stop taking care of how they look.


9. Some depressed people get satisfaction with hurting themselves, and in doing so they can even take their own lives, according to the Huffington Post. A common example is picking their skin until marks are left.


10. Depressed people feel that they have accomplished nothing in life so they will be found running more than the normal people. It gives them a sense of accomplishment.


11. According to WebMD, people who suffer from depression don’t enjoy the taste of food. They may also lose their appetite or start eating less.

12. Depressed people don’t have the energy or the desire to do anything. They just want to be left alone so they will constantly cancel appointments and plans, says WebMD.


13. Some depressed people also suffer from other disorders. For example, they may suffer from trichotillomania, which is a condition when a person gets satisfaction by pulling his hair.


14. Some depressed people end up sitting in the shower for hours, according to WebMD. They want to get out, but they are unable to make themselves do so.


15. Some people tend to write poetry or other creative stories based on their happier experiences in life.

16. According to the Huffington Post, depressed people may go from constantly working out to sitting on the couch all day. They experience sudden mood swings and may go from not sleeping to sleeping all the time.


17. Some depressed people just want to sleep constantly, according to Healthline. By sleeping, they try to run away from their depression.


18. Depressed people are more likely to binge-watch television shows. At the same time, they also avoid eating, showering or even sleeping, according to the Huffington Post.


19. Some depressed people end up staying up all night. They struggle to fall asleep since their mind is constantly racing with all the negative thoughts.

20. Many depressed people won’t seek help because they believe they can deal with it on their own. They become obsessed with trying to figure out why they’re in agony and while doing so, their behavior becomes weird.


21. Some depressed people will never want to leave their house/room so as to be alone with their thoughts.

22. This is a serious one. Some depressed people will completely give up on life, says Healthline. They may ignore calls, stop going to school, stop showing up to work, etc. They believe that their life is of no use and they have sunk so low that there is no coming back from it.


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